Roll20's D&D 5th Edition Compendium


One of the big reasons I decided to make this blog is that I found navigating for good D&D resources cumbersome and difficult. I kept trying to find where to go for certain things.

One website I find myself going back to time and time again is Roll 20’s D&D 5th Edition Compendium. You may be familiar with the site as a way to play with a live map and more (article coming soon!) but the compendium is probably my favourite resource they provide!

Designed as a navigable version of the D&D and Pathfinder System Reference Documents (SRD) it is an invaluable site - especially with the search functionality and links to other material.

The autofill in the search is great if you remember a name partially, and like any great wiki it can be an endless resource of learning through the suggested links for each post.

I have learned a lot through their site, I am sure I will continue to use it in the future!

They can be found at if you are interested in checking them out!

May the d20 ever roll in your favor!